A clear path to recovery from addictions and compulsions.
Every day, people are driven out of traditional 12-step meetings due to feeling pressured by its members to believe in a god or supreme being. They are told that recovery is impossible without faith in a supernatural deity. Luckily, this is not the case. Anyone can recover. You can recover.
A path for the rest of us…
Managing emotions, correcting thinking errors, increasing mindfulness, and resolving guilt are just a few of the skills you will learn in this book. Improving your mental and emotional health will increase your chances of long-lasting, stable recovery.
Doesn’t Interfere With Meetings
Continue going to the same 12-step meetings you’ve been going to and talking to your support network. Staying Sober Without God offers a 12-step approach that is different from the traditional 12-steps but similar enough to be compatible with the very popular 12-step meetings that can be found all over the world.
Accepting and Inclusive
Although there is no religious or theistic component to this book, it is practical and effective enough for anyone, even people of religious faith, to use and benefit from. The book does not bash faith-based approaches. It simply offers an approach for which faith is not necessary.
“It is a chance for those of us who have been struggling to find a way to do the steps without compromising our beliefs to finally get busy on the work. It is a great resource for sponsors in both traditional and secular AA groups..”
— Heather C. • A.A. Agnostica